Category: My Journey

How I ended up as a clinical neuropsychologist.

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    Journey of Becoming Dr Minn

    This is a visual summary of my journey from clueless – but nonetheless ambitious – student to the clinical neuropsychologist I am today. I have written (and will be writing) about the main phases below in a lot more detail in my other posts, so feel free to check those out!

  • My Undergraduate Days in England (Part 3 The Finale)

    My walk down (undergraduate) memory lane culminates with a story about Moses*, the red-footed tortoise, to whom I dedicate this post. In my previous post I mentioned a reptilian friend, and also alluded to some gender confusion. Moses was the beloved pet of one of the PhD students in the lab, AW, who was a…

  • My Undergraduate Days in England (Part 2)

    Summer of 2005 – most students had gone home for the holidays, and the UoY campus was quiet and serene. As I had landed the bursary that would support a month-long internship with the Behavioural Neuroscience lab, I needed to find somewhere to live on campus for the summer. I had to move into a…

  • My Undergraduate Days in England (Part 1)

    I thought it might be helpful to describe at length how my undergraduate days were like studying Psychology. You will recall from my previous post that I had made a somewhat coin-toss decision* to study Psychology in the University of York in northern England. It was a BSc (Hons) degree that was to be completed…

  • At Crossroads (What Undergraduate Degree Do I Study?)

    This post is about how I ended up studying Psychology at the undergraduate level. The year was 2003, in the month of June. I had just received my Cambridge GCE Advanced Level (A-Level) certificate from Taylor’s College in Malaysia*. I remember well the setting of the great hall in which we collected our results slips,…